
Bulk image uploading to Form records

The neatComponents user interface provides means to upload individual images. However on occasion you may wish to bulk upload many images. This page describes a tool (download below) we provide for importing images in bulk.

This tool uploads multiple images, each one going into a separate, new Record. When imported, the images are moved into the appropriate locations just as if they were indvidually uploaded through the user interface. As each image ends up in its own folder, you do not need to worry about name collisions between batches of imports.

When the script creates the new records, any other fields within the record are given their default or initial values, and any emails that are set to be sent when a Record is created will be generated.

  1. First create your Form, and an Image field within it which will receive an image.
  2. Then customise the script. At a minimum, you will need to provide the reference numbers which identify the site (where to find this number), form, and the image field, along with the path to the images.
  3. Execute the script from the server to import the images.


  • The script will, by default, delete the files from the source path as it imports them. That way, if the script is executed again, you won't get duplicates.
  • The script accepts two sets of images, each set contains images of the same name, but in different folders. The intention is that one set contains 'full-size' images whilst the other contains thumbnail versions. (Free tools like Irfanview ( can be used to resize batches of images)
  • The script has an option to rename files, as the original filenames may contain characters unsuitable for the web.

Tip: To provide an automated import system for users without console access to the server, you can set the script to import from an FTP folder, and set the script to be executed every few minutes using the Windows scheduler.

 Download: LoadFormImages_Public.wsf (zipped)

Support notice and disclaimer: Save for the documentation on this page, this script is provided 'as-is' without warranty or support. Before using the script, or any modified version of it, you should backup your server to ensure you do not inadvertantly harm your setup.

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