
Deleting all historic cart data

Normally cart transaction data is preserved in an auditable form, made available via read-only views.

However there are occasions when it is useful to be able to delete all cart transaction data, to give a site a fresh start.

While there is no function to do this via the user interface, the following script can be executed to do this.

It is recommended you take a backup / export of your site before running this script.

Download the script here (the download file is a .zip file - you should extract that to obtain a .wsf file you can execute)

The script should be executed with Administrator privileges if your machine has UAC enabled.

To run the script, execute (depending on your path):

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Enstar\neatComponents\scripts\DeleteCarts.wsf" /siteid [siteid] 

where [siteid] (without the square brackets) is the id of the site.

To find the siteid, open any page of the site in your browser, and choose View Source. Scroll to the bottom, where there will be a comment line like:

<!-- Created: 28 January 2014 21:35:48; version: 1.3.3956; ref: 9583; -->

In the above example the siteid is 9583


  • The script will reset cart numbering back to 1.
  • The script will not remove any records from 'Additional details' tables. 
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