
How to create a slideshow

You can very easily create a slideshow in neatComponents. In this all the pages in a section will be shown in turn for a few seconds each.

  1. Create a new Section, called, say, 'Show'
  2. As children of the 'Show' Section, place more Sections - each one of these children will be a slide.
  3. Place the content on the children - this can be any content you can put on a neatComponents page.
  4. Go to the page which will be the last slide, and in the Behavior Editor / Settings / General / Timing, set it to redirect after a few seconds - to the Show section, if you want the slideshow to continually cycle, or to another page elsewhere on the site if you want it to stop (perhaps on an index or welcome page).
  5. Go to the 'Show' section, and in its Behavior Editor / Settings / General / Timing, set it to redirect to the 'Local Relative Page / Next Page in Site' after a few seconds (this being the duration for each slide to show)

That's it.

Now when you go to the Show section it will redirect to the first child after a few seconds, and then on to the next child, and so forth until it gets to the last slide, which has its own redirect (overriding the one set in the parent 'Show' section).

Altering the duration for a particular slide

If a particular slide needs to be shown for a different duration you can simply override the 'Redirect After' value.

If you find you have set the duration so small that you can't get to the Behavior Editor before the page has redirected away, go to the Layout Manager, and you can access the Behavior Editor by right-clicking on the page in the site tree.


If you want to, you can add fades as transitions.


If you wanted to show each slide for 10 seconds, with a 2 second fade in and a 1 second fade out, you would set, in the Show section, the settings as follows:

  • Appear after [0]
  • Fade in over [2]
  • Dissapear after [9]
  • Fade out over [1]
  • Redirect to [Next page in site]
  • After [10]
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