
Continuous improvement

Our release policy is to release a new version as soon as we have new functionality ready for production use. We don't  'save up' lots of changes and new features for a 'big' release. This way you get to use the latest software as soon as we have fully tested it, and it saves you from having to catch up with lots of changes at one time.

The release notes below highlight recent functional changes to the system. Other changes that don't affect the way you use the system (such as efficiency gains) are not normally noted, to keep the list as clear as possible. Updates are always backwards compatible with existing sites.

Find out how to upgrade here.

Showing items 81 - 100 of 540.

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4 December 2014
Shopping Cart 
Enhancements to allow charges to be applied depending on postcode/zipcode criteria, regular expressions etc.
Build: 55164


4 December 2014
Table / Data Entry Form - "Linked Table File Embed" 
Allow multiple files to be uploaded in one action, and then stored in multiple related table records.
Build: 55164


4 December 2014
Multiple-File Uploading 
Support for uploading multiple files in one action, rather that one at a time.
Build: 55164


29 October 2014
Emailing secure files 
Files stored in a table marked for secure storage are now sent as attachments to the email, rather than as links, since there was no guarantee the recipient would have had permission to access the linked url.
Build: 54876


29 October 2014
Link Picker - Window sizing options 
Options for links to be opened in same window / new window / new tab, using a script rather than the deprecated target attribute, and allowing the new window's size to be specified.
Build: 54876


29 October 2014
Cart - Payment Processors / New Window 
Option to allow the Cart to open Payment Processors (PayPal etc) in a New Window. Allows processors to work when the cart is rendered from within an IFrame, as processors often won't render in IFrames.
Build: 54876


29 October 2014
Form Validation - optional 
Ability, per submit button, to specify whether field validation should be ignored. Allows saving part way through, before a final save is treated as submission.
Build: 54876


24 September 2014
Text Editor 
Major update to text editor, including new look button-bar and syntax highlighting source view.
Build: 44747


3 September 2014
Payment processor: ABN AMRO iDeal 
Support for receiving iDeal payments via ABN AMRO.
Build: 44710


13 August 2014
Data Import 
Importing of XML and CSV files into Tables. Flies can be uploaded to the site or the site can request them from another server.
Build: 44623


30 July 2014
Subtractive Usergroup Membership 
Effectively removes a user from some usergroups when they join another. Use to hide pages aimed at Visitors from logged-in users.
Build: 44529


18 July 2014
Shopping Cart - per item additional table mapping 
Support for additional data to be filled in and stored in additional tables per item (useful for product customization etc).
Build: 44460


26 June 2014
Site Manager - Email server settings 
Support for different settings per site (previously per server) to support PaaS / SaaS applications.
Build: 44407


26 June 2014
Shopping Cart - theme support 
Theme support for all settings in the options folder.
Build: 44407


26 June 2014
Shopping Cart - config permissions 
New permissions to allow control over which config tab users can administer.
Build: 44407


26 June 2014
Site Data Feed 
Provides a data feed of information about child sites, for use in SaaS / PaaS applications.
Build: 44407


28 May 2014
Downloadable Font support 
mime type support for .otf, .woff, .eot, .ttf and .ttc font files
Build: 44270


28 May 2014
Color swatches 
Style Editors and Tables/Data Entry Forms show swatches of chosen colors
Build: 44270


28 May 2014
Cart - charge - associate commissions 
Option against each charge in the cart to specify whether it should be included in associate commission calculations.
Build: 44270


15 May 2014
System color scheme 
Ability to change the color scheme used by system dialogs.
Build: 44211

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